General health

On Statins? Have them delivered to your door at no extra cost

If you’re one of the seven million Britons who take statins, you’ll know it is an important medicine that can lower LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol.

Having a high level of LDL cholesterol can be dangerous as it can lead to hardening and/or narrowing of the arteries and cardiovascular disease. So it’s important to make sure you always take the statins prescribed to you.

Did you know that if you take statins you can get your repeat prescriptions delivered to your door for free?

Visit our NHS prescription service. 

In fact, the same is true of anyone who is on regular medication, whether it’s aspirin, anti-depressants, medications for diabetes, asthma or any long term condition.

GP practices across the country are switching to the NHS electronic prescription service (EPS). Over 80% have now fully signed-up and the rest are set to follow. So you now have more choice over how and when you get your medication.

So why not register now?

Patients using Pharmacy2U NHS Repeat Prescription Service can order by phone, through the app or online and have their medication delivered free by post to any UK address. It features a free reminder service to help people avoid running out of medication. Patients can also speak to a pharmacist at any time to discuss their medication and how to get the most out of them.

Have you made taking statins and ordering prescriptions easier yet?

Pharmacy2U By Pharmacy2U Published 19/06/2016