Pharmacy2U News

Pharmacy2U launches new TV advert

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new TV ad!

As the UK’s largest online pharmacy delivering NHS repeat prescriptions, we wanted to showcase our new national television advertising campaign showing how managing and ordering medication using our app can enable patients to free up more time to spend on socialising with friends, hobbies or their family. The advert portrays a variety of real-life case-studies to reflect our broad spectrum of customers from all walks of life.

The brief was driven by in-depth customer research into our brand perception and was backed by focus groups through our research agency Sparkler. The 30 second advert, screening from Tuesday April 23rd, was subsequently created by ABF Pictures following a competitive pitch and is part of five that have been created by the Manchester-based TV advertising agency.

Watch the 30 second TV advert here:


Pharmacy2U By Pharmacy2U Published 23/04/2019